Friday, May 30, 2014

To the beach!

Short post today. We went on this adventure a few days ago and only now I was able to blog about it because I have been going on so many fun adventures recently! Those stories will be up in the near future (hopefully).
Time for a hike? I think so. To the top? Maybe next time we'll make it there, haha.
Baby steps.
The view from where we were at was pretty nice though. And then we took a dip in the ocean at the...
Beeeeach!!! Yay! I absolutely love going to the beach, but when I am off at college (still in Hawaii by the way), I do not get enough beach time. So now that I am home for the summer, I am taking every opportunity I can get my hands on to go soak up the sun and get some water on these gills of mine.
Also, I spy a swan.

Much love,

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